Pedro Pathing vs Road Runner

Pedro Pathing is a path-following library (created early 2024, last updated 12/30/24)

It uses a custom algorithm to follow trajectories with speed as a top priority.



Library Repo:



Pros of Pedro:

  • Makes your bot drive faster
  • Support for recent sensors (SparkFun OTOS, GoBiLDA Pinpoint) is official/built in
  • Strong correction for unexpected disturbances regardless of robot speed
  • Runs Async out of the box

Cons of Pedro:

  • Newer, so potentially less stable
  • Smaller community of users (around 500 people in their Discord)
  • Uses nonstandard coordinate system in visualizer

Road Runner is a motion profiling-based follower library that includes a command-based action system and geometry.

It was originally (0.5) released in late 2020(?), with version 1.0 created mid-2023 and last updated 10/13.

It prioritizes time consistency above all else.

Library Repo:


Official Docs:

Pros of Roadrunner:

  • Very stable, minimal bugs if any
  • Lots of support; someone has almost certainly had your problem before
  • Many example projects

Cons of Roadrunner:

  • Generally slower by default
  • Prioritizes time consistency above all else, meaning that correction will suffer as robot speed increases.
  • Support for recent sensors like the OTOS and Pinpoint is unofficial (though still exists, made by j5155)

Summary Table

FeaturePedro PathingRoad Runner
Primary FocusSpeed and adaptabilityTime consistency
Sensor SupportOfficial for OTOS, PinpointUnofficial (community-made)
Community Size~500 usersLarge and established
Correction HandlingVery responsive to external forcesDecent at correction
StabilityNewer, less testedMature, highly stable

Note: Both libraries excel in their specialized areas and cater to different needs. Choose the one that aligns with your priorities.

Original concepts written by J5155, Modifed/Edited by Baron and Iris <3