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Tuning Centripetal Force Correction


The centripetal force correction corrects deviations from curved paths, ensuring the robot maintains an optimal trajectory.


  1. Open FTC Dashboard and go to the Follower tab.
  2. Enable all checkboxes.
  3. Run the CurvedBackAndForth OpMode.
  4. Ensure the timer for autonomous OpModes is disabled.

Tuning Process

  1. Observe the robot’s path:

    • If the robot corrects towards the inside of the curve, increase centripetalScaling.
    • If the robot corrects towards the outside of the curve, decrease centripetalScaling.
  2. Adjust the value of centripetalScaling within the FollowerConstants section in FTC Dashboard.


Run additional tests with curved paths like CurvedBackAndForth or custom paths. Fine-tune the scaling value for smooth and accurate performance.

Input Tuned Values

  1. Open the FConstants class and navigate to the static{} block.
  2. Then, on a new line, add FollowerConstants.centripetalScaling = [VALUE];, with [VALUE] being the value you tuned for and inputted into FTC Dashboard.

Note: In Step 2, you only need to make a new line if you are not using the quickstart, otherwise, you can just modify the line that already does this.
Note: The default value for centripetalScaling is 0.0005.