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Lateral Zero Power Acceleration Tuner


The Lateral Zero Power Acceleration Tuner measures how your robot decelerates when strafing (moving sideways) and power is cut from the drivetrain. This value is critical for improving motion accuracy in Pedro Pathing.

Setup and Instructions

  1. Open the OpMode.
  2. Ensure your robot has enough space to accelerate to 30 inches/second laterally. You can adjust this velocity in the FTC Dashboard under the LateralZeroPowerAccelerationTuner dropdown.
  3. Run the OpMode.


  • Deceleration: After the robot reaches the target velocity and power is cut, telemetry will display the robot’s deceleration rate.
  • Ensure the robot drifts to a complete stop for accurate measurements.

Inputting the Results

  1. Open the FConstants class and navigate to the static{} block.
  2. Then, on a new line, add FollowerConstants.lateralZeroPowerAcceleration = [OUTPUT], with [OUTPUT] being the deceleration rate output from the tuner.

Note: In Step 2, you only need to make a new line if you are not using the quickstart, otherwise, you can just modify the line that already does this.

Congratulations, you’ve completed the lateral zero power acceleration tuning!