Converting a Path into a PathChain
In Pedro Pathing, a PathChain allows multiple paths to be chained together, allowing for multiple movements to happen in a sequence. PathChain are able to have "holdEnd," which allows them to hold their end position, until the follower follows another path. This allows for the robot to continually correct while, for example, running an action sequence to score your preload. This guide walks you through converting individual paths into a PathChain while incorporating interpolation methods and timeout constraints.
What You Need to Know
- Path: Represents a single movement, which can be a curve (BezierCurve) or a straight line (BezierLine).
- PathChain: Contains Path(s) within it.
- Interpolations: Define how the robot adjusts heading (rotation) throughout a path.
- Timeout Constraints: Limit the time the robot spends attempting to complete a path.
Example Breakdown
Step 1: Building Individual Paths
Paths can be defined using BezierCurve or BezierLine. Each path should include interpolations. For example:
// A BezierCurve path with control points for a curved trajectory
Path curvedPath = new Path(
new BezierCurve(
new Point(startPose),
new Point(20, 30, Point.CARTESIAN),
new Point(50, 80, Point.CARTESIAN),
new Point(goalPose)
curvedPath.setLinearHeadingInterpolation(startPose.getHeading(), goalPose.getHeading());
// A BezierLine path for a straight movement
Path straightPath = new Path(
new BezierLine(
new Point(currentPose),
new Point(goalPose)
Step 2: Building a PathChain
To combine paths into a PathChain, use the pathBuilder method from the Follower class. Instead of creating the paths separately, you now create them within the pathChain. Here's an example:
PathChain pathChain = follower.pathBuilder()
.addPath(new BezierLine(new Point(startPose), new Point(midPose))) // First path
.setLinearHeadingInterpolation(startPose.getHeading(), midPose.getHeading())
.addPath(new BezierCurve(new Point(midPose), new Point(20, 40, Point.CARTESIAN), new Point(60, 100, Point.CARTESIAN), new Point(goalPose))) // Second path
.setPathEndTimeoutConstraint(3.0) // Timeout for the entire chain
Step 3: Running a Path
To run a path, you use the follower to follow the path. For example:
Step 4: Running a PathChain
To run a PathChain, you use the follower to follow the PathChain. You also have the option to holdEnd, which allows for the robot to correct at the endPoint while it awaits another path or instruction from the follower. For example:
follower.followPath(pathChain, /* holdEnd */ true);