Prerequisites for Pedro Pathing
Robot and Drive Type
Pedro Pathing is designed to work with omnidirectional drives, such as mecanum drive. Currently, there is no support for swerve drives.
Project Setup
1. If you want to use the quickstart, clone it:
. Then move on to Constants Setup.
2. If you want to add Pedro to your existing repository, add these two to your repositories{}
block in build.dependencies.gradle
maven { url = '' }
maven { url= '' }
3. Then add these two to your dependencies{}
block in build.dependencies.gradle
implementation 'com.pedropathing:pedro:[VERSION]'
implementation 'com.acmerobotics.dashboard:dashboard:0.4.16'
4. Below, there is the latest version of Pedro, replace [VERSION] with it.
5. Lastly, you will have to create a pedroPathing
package. Within this you will store the tuners and your two constants files. Download the tuners from the Pedro Pathing Quickstart. Place the tuners into your package and then continue to learn how to setup your constants
Constants Setup
Note: If you are not using the quickstart and not uses the names LConstants
and FConstants
, you will have to adapt the tuners by inputting your classes that have the static{}
blocks into the PoseUpdater or into the Follower, depending on which one the tuner/test uses.
This is NOT recommended, as it is much easier to use the same class names as the quickstart.
In these docs, we will refer to the class that modifies the FollowerConstants
as FConstants
and the class that modifies the specific localizer's constants as LConstants
1. There are default values saved within the library, you override them by changing their values in the static {}
block in, for example, LConstants
or FConstants
. These docs will
2. Create a Class that has a static block to modify our FollowerConstants
class. This will be refered to as FConstants
3. We need to make sure to select our localizer type from the Localizers enum.
// This acts as a method of updating FollowerConstants without direct access to it.
public FConstants { // This is how we change Follower Constants.
static {
// Select our localizer
FollowerConstants.localizers = Localizers.THREE_WHEEL;
// We can change the value of any variable/constant of FollowerConstants.
FollowerConstants.mass = 10; // In kg
4. Then, we need to create another class with a static block to modify our specific localizer's constants. This will be refered to as LConstants
5. We need to change the values for the localizer. In each localizer's page, there will be a set of default values that you can copy. These are the default values provided in the quickstart:
// This acts as a method of updating ThreeWheelConstants without direct access to it.
public LConstants { // This is how we change ThreeWheelConstants.
static {
ThreeWheelConstants.forwardTicksToInches = .001989436789;
ThreeWheelConstants.strafeTicksToInches = .001989436789;
ThreeWheelConstants.turnTicksToInches = .001989436789;
ThreeWheelConstants.leftY = 1;
ThreeWheelConstants.rightY = -1;
ThreeWheelConstants.strafeX = -2.5;
ThreeWheelConstants.leftEncoder_HardwareMapName = "leftFront";
ThreeWheelConstants.rightEncoder_HardwareMapName = "rightRear";
ThreeWheelConstants.strafeEncoder_HardwareMapName = "rightFront";
ThreeWheelConstants.leftEncoderDirection = Encoder.REVERSE;
ThreeWheelConstants.rightEncoderDirection = Encoder.REVERSE;
ThreeWheelConstants.strafeEncoderDirection = Encoder.FORWARD;