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Setting Up Your Pinpoint Localizer


  • Pinpoint module connected to an I2C port.
  • Dead wheel encoder wires properly connected to the Pinpoint module.

Default Values

These are the default values of the PinpointConstants. You can copy and paste this into your static{} block within LConstants:

    PinpointConstants.forwardY = 1;
    PinpointConstants.strafeX = -2.5;
    PinpointConstants.distanceUnit = DistanceUnit.INCH;
    PinpointConstants.hardwareMapName = "pinpoint";
    PinpointConstants.useYawScalar = false;
    PinpointConstants.yawScalar = 1.0;
    PinpointConstants.useCustomEncoderResolution = false;
    PinpointConstants.encoderResolution = GoBildaPinpointDriver.GoBildaOdometryPods.goBILDA_4_BAR_POD;
    PinpointConstants.customEncoderResolution = 13.26291192;
    PinpointConstants.forwardEncoderDirection = GoBildaPinpointDriver.EncoderDirection.REVERSED;
    PinpointConstants.strafeEncoderDirection = GoBildaPinpointDriver.EncoderDirection.FORWARD;


1. Setup

Navigate to the file LConstants and into the static{} block and configure the following:

  1. Pinpoint Port:
    • Set the PinpointConstants.hardwareMapName variable to the name of the I2C port connected to the Pinpoint module.
    • Make sure that the I2C port is not the Control Hub built-in IMU port (port 0).
  2. Odometry Measurements:
    • Input the forwardY and strafeX values.
      • These values represent the distance of the odometry pods from the robot's center of rotation on the PEDRO robot coordinate grid.
      • Do NOT use GoBilda's diagram, but Pedro's, linked above.
    • The default values are 1 for forwardY and -2.5 for strafeX.
    • The default distance measurement is in inches, which can be changed by modifying the Pinpoint.distanceUnit variable.
  3. Encoder Resolution:
    • By default, the encoder resolution is set to GoBildaPinpointDriver.GoBildaOdometryPods.goBILDA_4_BAR_POD.
    • If you are using a custom encoder resolution, set PinpointConstants.useCustomEncoderResolution to true and input the custom resolution in the PinpointConstants.customEncoderResolution variable.
  4. Encoder Directions:
    • Ensure the encoder directions are correctly set. You can test this by running the LocalizationTest TeleOp Opmode.
      • If the x value ticks down when the robot moves forward, invert the direction by changing the GoBildaPinpointDriver.EncoderDirection for the forwardEncoder.
      • If the y value ticks down when the robot moves left, invert the direction by changing the GoBildaPinpointDriver.EncoderDirection for the strafeEncoder.
    • The default values are GoBildaPinpointDriver.EncoderDirection.REVERSED for forwardEncoderDirection and GoBildaPinpointDriver.EncoderDirection.FORWARD for strafeEncoderDirection.
  5. Yaw Scalar:
    • If you want to use a yaw scalar, set PinpointConstants.useYawScalar to true and input the scalar value in the PinpointConstants.yawScalar variable.
    • Note: The Yaw Scalar overrides the calibration done by GoBilda. It is recommended to use leave PinpointConstants.useYawScalar as false unless you have a specific reason to change it.

2. Verifying Pinpoint Connection

Run the file located in the tuners folder. This will ensure the Pinpoint is correctly connected and operational.

Testing Your Localizer

After completing the tuning steps, you can test your localizer's accuracy.

  1. Go to Localization Test and drive your robot around.

  2. Open the FTC Dashboard at

  3. Switch the view to "field view" from the top right corner dropdown.

  4. The dashboard should display the robot's position on the field.

  5. Observe the movements, moving the robot forward should make x increase and strafing left should make y increase.

Congratulations on successfully setting up your localizer!