Filtered PIDFController
This is the FilteredPIDFController class. This class handles the running of filtered filtered PIDFs. This behaves very similarly to a regular filtered PIDF controller, but the derivative portion is filtered with a low pass filter to reduce high frequency noise that could affect results.
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This returns the filtered PIDF's current coefficients.
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This returns the target position of the filtered PIDF.
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This is used to set the coefficients of the filtered PIDF.
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This is used to set the target position if the filtered PIDF is being run with current position and target position inputs rather than error inputs.
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As opposed to updating position against a target position, this just sets the error to some specified value.
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This can be used to update the feedforward equation's input, if applicable.
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This can be used to update the filtered PIDF's current position when inputting a current position and a target position to calculate error.